Friday, August 13, 2010

Nutty Neighbors: New Depths or New Heights

I haven't written about the next-door neighbors in a while, but that doesn't mean that they haven't found new ways to demonstrate their stupidity. In addition to their continual amazement that other people live in this building and are not interested in hearing their loud music (or, even worse, Godzilla's "singing"), my favorite aspect of their ignorance has to do with their keys. Yes, I know I've told you before about the keys under the doormat that became clearly visible when the mat was even slightly nudged out of its position. However, in an obvious attempt to provide greater security for their keys yet maintain that availability you want your keys to have, they've hit upon a rather novel solution.

I suppose we aren't meant to notice that, in addition to the outline of the key on the box, it is clearly marked "KEY CASE." Of course, this would only be visible to anyone who happens to be in the hallway and, well, who can see. So far, this has included several delivery guys, a couple of whom have actually picked up the case and rattled it to see if keys were truly inside, and the mail carrier and people visiting some of the other neighbors on our floor and the maintenance crew members who come by to fix sinks or replace light bulbs in the hallway and the security guards who came to tell Godzilla and Hermey that they were making too much noise (and who also picked up the case and rattled it and laughed that anyone would be so stupid as to leave a set of keys outside their apartment door).

However, the stupidity doesn't end there. For about a week or so this summer, Godzilla and Hermey had company. Actually, they frequently have company, a very confusing trend considering how difficult it is to find parking around this complex and the very limited number of parking spaces reserved for guests. This particular guest, though, was special. She apparently was unable to bend all the down to the floor to pick up the keys or the KEY CASE, so being the gracious hosts that they are, Godzilla and Hermey tried their best to accommodate her. I hope it's visible enough for you to tell how truly kind they are.

Not to worry, the key case has migrated downward since that guest left. It's back at the bottom of the door frame. But it still isn't as if the neighbors are trying to hide the fact that they leave their keys outside in plain view. Godzilla, in particular, is especially prone to bending down in front of other people--such as the Pizza Hut delivery guy who came to our apartment last week--to pick up her keys. It's a source of some amusement for them, frankly. I can't imagine what they think of someone who's willing not only to place her keys in a magnetic case attached to her door frame in an open hallway but also to retrieve said keys in full view of strangers. That takes either an enormous amount of trust on her part or a great deal of ignorance.

I haven't yet figured out why they leave their keys outside. Is someone just really bad at keeping track of door keys? How hard could it be to put two keys on a small key chain in your pocket or purse? Are they really that generous with their apartment that they want just any acquaintance of theirs to be able to use the place without them being there? Godzilla doesn't seem to take her keys with her to work nor bring them inside when she comes home at the end of the day. I am, as always, completely bewildered by their ridiculous behavior.

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