Friday, April 3, 2009

A Discovery

For the past couple of weeks, I've been fighting a sinus infection. I've had good days and bad days, a lot of sniffling and sneezing, and a scratchy throat for much of those two weeks.

You might remember that last year at this time, on the Friday before Spring Break, I was undergoing surgery to have a skin cancer removed from my nose. I was left with a little scar where the graft didn't quite completely work, close to the top on the right side of my nose. I thought it was just a small indention that I'd have for the rest of my life, barring some sort of cosmetic procedure.

I was shaving one day last week when I needed to sneeze. I grabbed my nose to try to contain as much of it as I could, yet when I sneezed some of "it" escaped from the scar left from my surgery. That's right. I have a hole that goes all the way through. Yes, I have a blowhole.

I'm going to try to restrain myself from showing off this new talent to everyone I meet. However, I'm sure it would be a hit at birthday parties and bar mitzvahs.

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